So what does a reformed shopper do when she is no longer shopping for clothes? Shops for bodies of course! Now this may sound crazy to you, but this is something I have caught myself doing since I decided to go ahead with a VSG. I don't do this all the time of course, but every now and then when I out and about, I look at other ladies as they walk past and wonder which body size/shape I will end up being. I sort of "window shop" through all the bodies I see. This probably isn't the healthiest thing to do - I know! But! It has cemented the fact that I don't want to be the skinniest girl in the room, nor do I don't want to lose all my curves. I like having curves! I just want to have less... Anyway, the funny thing is that as people have been noticing my weight loss, they too seem to be "window shopping" for me. They don't seem to be shopping for bodies though, instead they are looking for faces. Personally I find this hilarious, especially because although my face will get thinner, I doubt it is going to really change that much. Nevertheless it is quite complementary. Perhaps I wouldn't find it so complementary if people were picking uglier woman to compare me to...but to date, all good! So here are the woman that people have said they think I will look like when I lose all my weight. What do you think?
Catherine Zeta Jones (The Mask of Zorro)
Rachel Weisz (The Mummy)
Audrey Tautou (Amelie)
I don't really see much similarity between these woman and myself, however it is nice to imagine isn't it :)
Time for reality and a quick update on my progress this week. This week I lost a total of 1.6kg, which takes my total weight loss to 14.4kg. I am really happy with my progress to date and hope that the weight keeps coming off. In an effort to get the weight off as quickly as possible and retraining myself to enjoy my new lifestyle, I have been heading to the gym as much as possible. I have been focusing on my cardio and light weights as instructed by my surgeon, dietician and personal trainer. This week I took it a bit to far to quickly, as I ended up hurting my back on Thursday evening at the gym. I spent the next few days in quite a lot of discomfort and decided to go to a physio to see if they could help (I was desperate), and they have helped significantly. I have been instructed to keep of weights for a week, but I do intend to start walking again tomorrow evening. Let's see how this affects my weight loss for next week!
Tomorrow morning I am meeting with my dietician as I am entering my final week of the liquid to solid diet phase plan. This is a routine check-up which was booked weeks ago. I don't have any major concerns that I feel I need to discuss, but I do want check if she has any tips on how to keep my energy up through the afternoon. My concentration is not where it use to be at all, but it does take a significant beating between 2 and 6pm. I think that I need to make sure I have a second snack during this time, but it is the last thing on my mind. I will let you know what comes out of that meeting.
Anyway, it is getting late and I better sign off.
Goodnight all! xT
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