My Weightloss Bucket List

The things I am most looking forward to doing and feeling are: 
  1. Start to dance again - I love salsa and belly dancing! Started Zumba and started Zouk/Bachata!
  2. Run around with my nieces and nephew - and keep up!
  3. Buy clothes from fashion labels like Cue and Lululemon.
  4. Walk past a group of teenagers without waiting for someone to make a comment on my size.
  5. Walk around in a bathing suit and not feel like I should cover up.
  6. Travel without dreading the tight fit of the aeroplane seats and breathing in to do up the buckle. Booked in!
  7. Have a long relaxing bath each month and being able to fit in the bath. Done!
  8. Be able to wear stilettos for more than twenty minutes. Started!
  9. Have more confidence!
  10. NOT being embarrassed about getting undressed in front of someone.
  11. Run - I want to do a colour run!
  12. Wear a midriff exposing shirt and skirt ensemble (just once)
  13. Be able to plank and support my weight.
  14. NOT have sore knees, ankles and back.
  15. Be able to kneel on my knees without feeling sore.
  16. Go to any public event with fold out seats and not worrying about taking up more than one seat.
  17. NOT apologising for my size.
  18. Wearing the many smaller sized clothes that I have held onto for years. Started!
  19. Throwing all my clothes as they get too big! Started!
  20. Go shopping for a whole new wardrobe!


  1. Number 20!!! Yep,count with me!:p...very exciting to see your progress,guapa!good luck!

  2. Thanks Ana - I don't think I will ever fit into your clothes, so we will definitely go shopping with you :P

  3. I'm in for the 20th with you too! But... Let's do the 11th together too OK? I couldn't do it this year.. So... Next one? :)
