Sunday, 10 August 2014

Better Late Than Never....Right?

Let me start this week's update by saying I am sorry for the late posting! I know that some of you have come to expect an update each Friday evening, but as I have started work again I think updates may have to be pushed back by a day or two. Let's see how I go in the coming weeks! I have to say that it is an amazing feeling to have people contact me to check when I am next posting an update. It makes me really happy to know that people are interested in what I am talking about and seeing how I am progressing. So here I go!

This last week I lost 1.6kg which takes my total weight loss to 11.7kg! You can checkout the updated 'My Measurements' and 'Progress Photograph' pages with this week's progress. I am really happy with this loss especially since I didn't manage to fit in as much exercise as I had on my two weeks off work. What impresses me the most is not what I have achieved but the fact that if I had been on any other diet, my weight loss would have slowed or temporarily plateaued by now. I know I shouldn't speak to soon, but all my research indicates that the weight loss should be pretty steady for a while yet. I'm sure it won't stay above 1kg for long, but a girl can dream...well this girl can :)

I can hardly believe another week has passed. This week gone by brought lots of changes, both good and bad. The most significant change was that I returned to work. I have to admit that it wasn't the easiest of things to do, but that is mostly because I struggled to concentrate on any task for long. Of course this could be attributed to the fact that I spent a significantly long time sorting through boring emails, or it could be because I am living off 400-500 calories a day (excluding any calories burnt through exercise). My money is on the latter! Anyway, walking into the office on the first day was the hardest. I guess I felt like the colleagues who did know what I was doing in my two week "break" would expect a more dramatic change as I walked into the office. What if they expected me to be a size 12 already? What if they expected me to suddenly look like Catherine Zeta Jones? Newsflash! I don't look like CZJ, nor will I ever look like her! Nevertheless, it didn't take long for me to let go of fears and feel more comfortable letting colleagues see me eating my small meals.

The best thing this week was that people have noticed that I am looking different. Even those who don't know what I was doing on my "break" have commented that my skin is looking great, I look happier, that I look good, or even asking if I have changed my hair. Although I don't plan on explaining what exactly has changed, it is pretty nice to hear all the nice comments people have to say.

I know I have a long way to go, but I am getting closer than I was four weeks ago :) With each day comes new challenges and new lessons learnt. I just need to keep myself open to learning and to change. I'll get there.

Anyway, I should get some ZZZ's...the work week starts again tomorrow!

Speak soon xx

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