Sunday, 17 August 2014

A Little Bit Less Obese...Yes please!

So today I am officially down to Class Two Obesity on the Obesity scale! The fact that I am even on the obesity scale is extremely embarrassing and humiliating...but I don't see a point in not saying it how it is on this blog. The truth is that although being honest about this hurts, my size is obvious for all to see on each and every day. I sincerely doubt that anyone is going to be shocked by the fact that I am more than just a bit overweight. I am what I am. It sucks big time, but I am changing :) Now this honesty may be hard for some people to understand, but one of the things you learn quickly as a fat chic is that it is best to say what others are thinking first! If you have watched Pitch Perfect and remember "Fat Amy", you must have heard this before. Putting yourself down before other people have a chance to do so, is the best way of emotional survival. It just hurts too much when someone puts you down and you are not prepared for it! It is so true that it is almost a science! The sad fact of this science is that your self confidence is generally non-existent, you continually put yourself down, and you don't really believe it if/when people complement you.

This may sound a bit grim but it really isn't! I love "Fat Amy" aka Australian actor Rebel Wilson. More importantly, I honestly think she is a great ambassador for curvy women around the world. She is who she is because of all the experiences she has lived through and she appears to embrace her shape to the fullest. Being fat all my life has made me the person that I am today.  Although it has in some ways limited the way I have lived my life, I believe that it has given me the personality that I have today. Personally, I think my personality is ok. I have some things I need to work on of course (who doesn't?), but I think I make good conversation with most people. Anyway! onto my progress over the last week...

This week I only lost 1.1kg which takes my total weight loss to 12.8kg! Not as much as some I have lost in the first few weeks, but any loss is a good loss :) Let me point you in the direction of the 'My Measurements' page and you may notice why I am still pretty happy with this week's progress. I have lost a total of 14.5cm from around my body this week alone. This is a significant reduction compared to last week's change in measurements. Happy! So why has my weight loss slowed while my change in measurements greater? I think it has lots to do with the fact that I started my personal training sessions this week. Personal training meant I could officially start doing weights. In case I didn't mention it before,  all weights and stomach exercises had been a no-go up until this week. This is a standard rule for all bariatric patients post-surgery, as the medical team are worried that you will damage your stomach or wounds. I think the timing they give you to start weights is actually perfect! Any sooner and I can imagine that I would have unintentionally hurt myself, as I did occasionally bend or stretch in a way which would feel like something was pinching. Although I have not been living under a rock, I have to be honest, this is the first time in my life I have understood the basic correlation between muscle training increases my metabolism, which then tricks my body into NOT going into starvation mode! Who know!? ...well now I do :)

I have a close friend who teases my that while I seem to have graduated from eating as much as his seven month old son, I can now eat as much as his two year old daughter. The funny thing is that this is so true! The good news is that my diet is continually getting more exciting. Although I am still only on one quarter to half cup portions depending on what it is I am eating, I can eat a greater variety of foods now which is great! This week I have managed to eat bolognaise sauce, tuna (with some light mayonnaise to make it smoother), slices of cheese and ham, and boiled egg. Although I am now allowed pasta, rice and dry crackers, I am keeping these out of my diet for now. I am sure I will start to have these again in the next few months, but as I am not craving them, I will try to abstain for now. Another change is that I can eat it much faster that I could a week ago. This makes it much easier to get on with the day between food times. The strange thing is that prior to doing the surgery, I thought it would be impossible to chew foods twentysix times before swallowing. Now, it has almost become second nature to chew all food twenty or more times before swallowing. I do slip up about once a week, and after this happens I do feel some extremely painful indigestion set in quickly. Tonight was one of these times but after watching me try to be sick for about fifteen minutes, my mum reminded me to smell some fresh bread. This is an old wives tale that is less of a take and more fact! Trust me, it works!

Anyway, I should hit the sack. Back to work tomorrow and I need to book tickets to Rottnest in the morning. Yes! I am booking tickets to Rottnest island in the morning. I am going to get in my bathing suit and not hate myself for it!

As always, you can checkout the updated 'My Measurements' and 'Progress Photograph' pages with this week's progress.

Goodnight all :)

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